
Sep 30, 20201 min

25 seconds standard !

Updated: Oct 1, 2020

Yes as you read , Tim hortons pride themselves in Montreal and Canada to be the fastest service when it comes to serving especially their drive thru cars ordering at the window . If you are standing from inside the shop you can see a digital box with numbers counting on it , that box is linked to the POS system where each time a client pays and a transaction is closed in the system , count down starts to serve and get payment from the following customer , also the numbers showing are in orange and when it reaches 20 seconds it turns into red which means that staff are nearing the standard point of 25 seconds to complete this transaction and delays can be later investigated and apply the proper training where needed ! Isn't that fascinating? Yes some orders might take longer but end of each week head office do measure average service standards for each franchisee .I love this industry and i am a passionate restaurateur and i enjoy seeing technology helping to serve customers more efficiently. I will keep an eye on all similar systems and technologies used in cafés and restaurants and will keep sharing with my readers .
